INSPIRE: A new information system for High-Energy Physics. Lessons learnt


  • Salvatore Mele



OR2010, Citation and Bibliography, Library and information sciences, DDC: 020


E-Science brings opportunities and challenges for the world of scholarly communication: it amplifies the needs of scientists for fast, effective, unrestricted communication of ideas and scientific results, through Open Access; it enables automation of librarianship intelligence, providing new services to the scientific community for the discovery of information; it calls on libraries and information professionals to fill new roles, as evolving actors in the scholarly communication chain. The field of High-Energy Physics (HEP) has pioneered infrastructures for scholarly communication, with half a century of tradition in Open Access and pre-print dissemination and two decades of experiences in repositories. Scholarly communication in HEP is now moving fast in the e-Science era. This contribution will analyze the status of scholarly communication in the field and the potential offered by the inception of INSPIRE, the next-generation repository for the field.


