Invenio: A Modern Digital Library System
OR2010, Repository Platforms, Library and information sciences, DDC: 020Abstract
Invenio is an integrated digital library system originally developed at CERN to run the CERN Document Server, currently one of the largest institutional repositories worldwide. It was started over 15 years ago and has been matured through many release cycles. Invenio is a GPL2 Open Source project based on an Apache/WSGI+Python+MySQL architecture. Its modular design enables it to serve a wide variety of usages, from a multimedia digital object repository, to a web journal, to a fully functional digital library. The development strategy used to implement Invenio ensures it is flexible in any layer. Being based on open standards such as MARCXML and OAI-PMH 2.0 its interoperability with other digital libraries is guaranteed. Being originally designed to cope with the CERN requirements for digital object management, Invenio is suitable for middle-to-large scale digital repositories (100K~10M records). Records can be of any nature (e.g. papers, books, photos, videos). This presentation will introduce the different features of Invenio, their usage in the CERN context and how other institutions and projects are also driving some of its development.Published
OR 2010, General Sessions
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