«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference. Bielefeld University. 14–15 November 20192020-09-25T17:59:09+00:00Susanne Riedel (0521-1064058 / UHG, V1-131)publikationsdienste.ub@uni-bielefeld.deOpen Journal Systems<p>During the two-day conference «The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? on 14—15 November 2019, the future of theories and theory formation in the age of Big Data was discussed.</p> Role of Theory in Different Disciplines2020-09-25T17:59:06+00:00Carlo Beenakkerojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deAngelika Eppleojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deArmin Gölzhäuserojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deCarlos Spoerhaseojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deTobias<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel Discussion: The Role of Theory in Different Disciplines</p> <p>Discussants: Carlo Beenakker (Leiden) | Angelika Epple (Bielefeld) Armin Gölzhäuser (Bielefeld) | Carlos Spoerhase (Bielefeld) | Tobias Werron (Bielefeld).</p> <p>Moderation: Manuela Lenzen (Bielefeld)</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Usefulness of Useless Knowledge and the Importance of Basic Research2020-09-25T17:59:07+00:00Robbert<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Opening Keynote:</p> <p>Professor Robbert Dijkgraaf (Princeton): The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge and the Importance of Basic Research</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University die Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Daten steuern? Good Governance vs. Ökonomisierung 2020-09-25T17:59:09+00:00Robbert Dijkgraafojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deDieter Ada Pellertojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deEva Quante-Brandtojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deGerhard<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Politische Diskussionsrunde: Wie die Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Daten steuern? Good Governance vs. Ökonomisierung. Mit Robbert Dijkgraaf (Princeton) | Dieter Imboden (Zürich) Ada Pellert (Hagen) | Eva Quante-Brandt (Bremen) Gerhard Sagerer (Bielefeld).</p> <p>Moderation: Benedikt Schulz (Köln)</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Big Theories are Here to Stay2020-09-25T17:58:45+00:00Nancy<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Keynote Lecture:</p> <p>Professor Nancy Cartwright (Durham/San Diego): Why Big Theories are Here to Stay</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Science & Machine Learning2020-09-25T17:58:58+00:00Kristian<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel C: Big Data: From Machine Learning to Quantum Computing <br>(Organized by: Dario Anselmetti, Barbara Hammer)</p> <p>Kristian Kersting (TU Darmstadt): Data Science & Machine Learning</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Quantum Computing Disrupt Machine Learning?2020-09-25T17:58:59+00:00Christian<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel C: Big Data: From Machine Learning to Quantum Computing <br>(Organized by: Dario Anselmetti, Barbara Hammer)</p> <p>Christian Bauckhage (IAIS Fraunhofer, Sankt Augustin): Will Quantum Computing Disrupt Machine Learning?</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Intelligence and Machine Learning2020-09-25T17:59:00+00:00Carlo<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel C: Big Data: From Machine Learning to Quantum Computing <br>(Organized by: Dario Anselmetti, Barbara Hammer)</p> <p>Carlo Beenakker (Leiden University): Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Templates, Machine Learning, and the Prospects for Theoryfree Models2020-09-25T17:59:01+00:00Paul Humphreys<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel D: Interdisciplinary Models for a Complex World <br>(Organized by: Martin Carrier, Armin Gölzhäuser, Marie I. Kaiser)</p> <p>Paul Humphreys (Charlottesville): Transdisciplinary Templates, Machine Learning, and the Prospects for Theoryfree Models</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Walks: The Role of Topological Constraints in Physics and Beyond2020-09-25T17:59:02+00:00Kurt<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel D: Interdisciplinary Models for a Complex World</p> <p>(Organized by: Martin Carrier, Armin Gölzhäuser, Marie I. Kaiser)</p> <p>Kurt Kremer (Mainz): Random Walks: The Role of Topological Constraints in Physics and Beyond</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Causes and Consequences of Individual Differences2020-09-25T17:59:04+00:00Franjo<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel D: Interdisciplinary Models for a Complex World</p> <p>(Organized by: Martin Carrier, Armin Gölzhäuser, Marie I. Kaiser)</p> <p>Franjo Weissing (Groningen): The Causes and Consequences of Individual Differences</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Matter: World Systems Theory and Beyond2020-09-25T17:58:46+00:00Stephan<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel A: Theorizing Contemporary Society. Challenges and Perspectives <br>(Organisation: Sina Farzin, Hamburg; Julian Go, Boston; Tobias Werron, Bielefeld)</p> <p>Stephan Lessenich (Munich): Relations Matter: World Systems Theory and Beyond</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Social Theory2020-09-25T17:58:47+00:00Julian<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel A: Theorizing Contemporary Society. Challenges and Perspectives<br>(Organisation: Sina Farzin, Hamburg; Julian Go, Boston; Tobias Werron, Bielefeld)</p> <p>Julian Go (Boston): Globalizing Social Theory</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University or Diagnosing the Present? Two Genres of Sociological Thinking2020-09-25T17:58:48+00:00Sina<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel A: Theorizing Contemporary Society. Challenges and Perspectives<br>(Organisation: Sina Farzin, Hamburg; Julian Go, Boston; Tobias Werron, Bielefeld)</p> <p>Sina Farzin: Theorising or Diagnosing the Present? Two Genres of Sociological Thinking</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University on the talks (Panel A)2020-09-25T17:58:49+00:00Uwe<p>The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel A: Theorizing Contemporary Society. Challenges and Perspectives<br>(Organisation: Sina Farzin, Hamburg; Julian Go, Boston; Tobias Werron, Bielefeld)</p> <p>Comment on the talks - Discussant: Uwe Schimank (Bremen)</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Discussion (Panel A)2020-09-25T17:58:52+00:00Sina Farzinojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deJulian Goojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deStephan Uwe Schimankojs.ub@uni-bielefeld.deTobias<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel A: Theorizing Contemporary Society. Challenges and Perspectives<br>(Organisation: Sina Farzin, Hamburg; Julian Go, Boston; Tobias Werron, Bielefeld)</p> <p>Moderated Discussion. Moderator: Tobias Werron (Bielefeld)</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Modell der Universität im digitalen Zeitalter2020-09-25T17:58:53+00:00Michael N.<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel B: Contemporary Text Cultures: Theoretical Perspectives of Historical Text Studies<br>(Organized by: Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Lars Deile, Silke Schwandt, Carlos Spoerhase, Véronique Zanetti)</p> <p>Michael N. Forster (Bonn): Humboldts Modell der Universität im digitalen Zeitalter</p> <p> </p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University Sozialisation und die Zumutungen des „Digital“. Probleme eines (vielleicht) Paradigmenwechsels in den „Humanities“2020-09-25T17:58:55+00:00Bernhard Jussen<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel B: Contemporary Text Cultures: Theoretical Perspectives of Historical Text Studies<br>(Organized by: Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Lars Deile, Silke Schwandt, Carlos Spoerhase, Véronique Zanetti)</p> <p>Bernhard Jussen (Frankfurt/Main): Philologische Sozialisation und die Zumutungen des „Digital“. Probleme eines (vielleicht) Paradigmenwechsels in den „Humanities“</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld Universityät - Digitalität - Textualtät. Kategorien modellieren2020-09-25T17:58:56+00:00Andrea<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel B: Contemporary Text Cultures: Theoretical Perspectives of Historical Text Studies<br>(Organized by: Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Lars Deile, Silke Schwandt, Carlos Spoerhase, Véronique Zanetti)</p> <p>Andrea Rapp (Darmstadt): Materialität - Digitalität - Textualtät. Kategorien modellieren</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University (der Gäste mit dem Publikum)2020-09-25T17:58:57+00:00Silke<p>«The Theoretical University» in the Data Age. Have the great theories become obsolete? Anniversary Conference | Bielefeld University | 14–15 November 2019</p> <p>Panel B: Contemporary Text Cultures: Theoretical Perspectives of Historical Text Studies<br>(Organized by: Franz-Josef Arlinghaus, Lars Deile, Silke Schwandt, Carlos Spoerhase, Véronique Zanetti)</p> <p>Diskussion der Gäste mit dem Publikum<br>Moderation: Silke Schwandt (Bielefeld)</p>2020-02-21T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2020 Bielefeld University