Implementation of the New Public Health Principles : Case Study of Montenegro


  • Agima Ljaljevic



public health, Montenegro, health indicators, health care system, health promotion, healthy life style, health policy, DDC: 610 (Medicine and health)


According to the survey in 2003, 617,749 of inhabitants live in the Republic of Montenegro, and 62% of them live in urban area. Since 1950, changes have been marked in rates of demographic indicators especially significant for the presentation of getting population older, on the territory of Montenegro. The tendency of the rate decrease of born alive, of vital index and increase of expected life’s length are evident, as well as the average age of the population and the index of getting older of the population. Development of the new public health is priority in health policy in Montenegro and Institute of Public Health is the base for the implementation of principles in new public health as an ethical issue which is related to health expenditures, priorities and social philosophy. Development of the public health policy in Montenegro has the next priorities: primary health care reform process and developing the new doctor’s model; health promotion and disease prevention; modification of the life style: Increasing physical activity, good eating habits and safe food, reducing tobacco smoking, harmful alcohol consumption, drug use prevention; improving social security and reduction poverty; political power, influence and participation - democratic rights for all groups in society, participation in the political decisionmaking process; creating secure and good conditions for health care of children and young people; creating secure and good conditions for health care of women; healthy workplaces and an improved level of occupational health; a healthy environment and the provision of safe products; reducing the spread of infectious diseases and promoting safe sexual behaviour; reducing injures and violence; improving oral health; improving mental health; collecting and processing of data about health status of population.


